Sunday, April 18, 2010

Type Illustrating "Hoarding" done in Illustrator

Re-touching Photos

This photograph was also taken by me in Venice, Italy. Since I am putting a book together using the website "Blurb," to showcase all of the photos I took in Venice, I noticed some things I may want to take out of the printed image. I made the colors a little more vibrant, got rid of the graffiti on the wall, and erased several unwanted imagery such as cigarettes, and cigarette packets.

Re-touching Photos

This photo is from a window front in Venice, Italy. I realized after taking the photograph the reflection from the window was effecting it's quality. Using several tools in Photoshop, i reduced the reflection from the window to make it more appealing.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Newsletter for false business. Created in InDesign, artwork edited in Photoshop and Illustrator.

"Photoshopped" Venice Photo

Photograph I took in Venice, Italy- retouched in Photoshop using several photographs from Venice.

Palm Tree

Palm Tree Scene done in Corel Painter

Purple "Monarch" Butterfly


Einstein Portrait- Introductory project produced in Adobe Illustrator

Movie Poster

This is a movie poster from a movie idea that I created. The movie is about a girl (played by Anna Kendrick) leaves her busy materialistic world behind in NYC to find love out in the world. She eventually finds her match in the character played by John Krasinski.

"Vector Hell"

This project was from my Illustration class, called "vector hell." It entailed replicating an apple and an eye.


This project from my Illustration class was to create illustrations representing Halloween characters.


This project was assigned in Illustration. The assignment was to remake a movie poster with a more "50's Science Fiction" feel to it.



This blog was created temporarily to showcase some of my graphic designs and studio work. I am working on creating an interactive Artist's website, but in the meantime would like to have this site available for potential employers to get an idea of my style and abilities within the Adobe Suite. Thank you for visiting!

-Angela Burruano